Swiss Federal Railways (SBB)

Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) cheap train tickets and best schedules

Address and Contact Information

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Swiss Federal Railways (SBB)Phone
+41 848 446 688


Swiss Federal Railways (SBB)Location
Hilfikerstr. 1 3000 Bern 65


Swiss Federal Railways (SBB)Website
Unleash Adventure

Explore with Swiss Federal Railways (SBB)

Travel with ease and affordability by choosing Swiss Federal Railways (SBB). With extensive routes covering popular destinations, flexible schedules, and competitive prices, you'll have the chance to explore the continent like never before.

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On-Board Experience and Amenities

Pet Policy

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International Travel

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Travel Interruptions and Cancellations

Safety, Insurance, and Emergency Procedures

Customer Support and Feedback

Routes, Schedules, and Travel Planning

Special Travel Options and Seasonal Services

Booking and Managing Your Journey

Luggage and Special Items Transport

Accessibility and Special Needs

Rewards, Affiliations, and Special Programs

From the blog

Dive into Detailed Comparisons and Contrasts in Travel Choices and Adventures

Trenitalia vs SBB: Best Ride Revealed

Discover the heart of Europe by rail. Choose Trenitalia for sun-soaked journeys through Italy or opt for SBB to navigate the Swiss peaks with punctuality. Your adventure awaits—select your ride and embrace the scenic route.

Swiss Federal Railways vs Flixbus: A Comparative Guide

Catch the rhythm of Swiss tracks with the Swiss Federal Railways or feel the heart of the street on Flixbus Switzerland. Discover cost-effective travel, unparalleled comfort, and scenic routes bridging cities and alpine landscapes. Dive into the superior Swiss travel experience!