
Gipsyy cheap bus tickets and best schedules

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Explore with Gipsyy

Travel with ease and affordability by choosing Gipsyy. With extensive routes covering popular destinations, flexible schedules, and competitive prices, you'll have the chance to explore the continent like never before.

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Flexible Cancellations

Cancellation Policy

cancellation_policy policy
  • Gipsyy's cancelation policy for trips in countries with the code of "pt" allows for you to cancel up to 24 hours before the scheduled departure for a full refund.
  • If you cancel between 0-24 hours before the departure time, you will be issued a partial refund of 50% of the trip cost.
  • If you do not show up for the trip or cancel after the departure time, no refund will be issued.
  • If Gipsyy cancels the trip, a full refund will be issued regardless of when the cancelation takes place.
  • In the event of a delay, you may be eligible for a partial refund depending on the length of the delay.

Smooth Luggage

Luggage Policy

luggage_policy policy
  • Luggage Policy on Gipsyy:
  • Passengers are allowed to bring 1 carry-on bag and 1 personal item per person.
  • Carry-on bag size should not exceed 56 centimeters (length + width + height).
  • Personal items should not exceed 40 centimeters (length + width + height).
  • Passengers are allowed to bring additional items such as a laptop, camera, umbrella, or other item of similar size.
  • Additional items should not exceed 30 centimeters (length + width + height).
  • Passengers are not allowed to bring items such as firearms, dangerous goods, alcohol, or any other items prohibited by the law.
  • Extra taxes may apply for extra luggage.

Pet-Friendly Guidelines

Pet Policy

pet_policy policy
  • Gipsyy allows small pets on board its buses in the pt country, provided they are kept in a secure carrier and kept at the passenger's feet.
  • Pets not allowed on board Gipsyy buses include: dangerous animals, reptiles, and rodents.
  • All pets must be accompanied by valid documents and vaccination records.
  • Pets should not be allowed to move freely around the bus. The passenger is responsible for their pet's behavior.
  • The carrier must fit in the space between the two seats.
  • The passenger is responsible for any damage caused by their pet.
  • The passenger must clean up after their pet.
  • The pet should not disturb other passengers.
  • The passenger must purchase a ticket for their pet and pay the fee.